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Privacy Policy pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679- GDPR

L’Associazione ricreativa culturale L’AIA CHE RAGLIA, with headquarters a in C.da Salamina 16 , 72015 Fasano (BR) Cod. Fisc. 90052190742 Vat.n. 02606010748., in the person of its legal representative, (hereinafter, “Owner”), as data controller, informs you pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30.6.2003 (hereinafter, “Privacy Code”) and art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) that your data will be processed in the manner and for the following purposes:
1. Data Processing of the subject
The Data Controller processes the personal identification data (e.g. name, surname, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, bank and payment details) – hereinafter, “personal data” or even “data” – communicated by you when concluding contracts for the services of the Data Controller.
The data deriving from the web service may be communicated to the technological and instrumental partners that the Data Controller uses to provide the services requested by the visiting users. The personal data provided by visitors who request dispatch of informative material (requests for information, answers to questions, etc..) or other communications are used only to perform the service or provision requested and are communicated to third parties only where this is necessary for that purpose (provision of services requested through the technological and instrumental partner). The Data Controller may use the services of persons in charge of the processing. The Regulation imposes on the data processor, but also on the Data Controller, the obligation to keep the documentation of all processing operations carried out under his own responsibility. Conservation which, if referred to computer documents, obviously implies the necessary competences concerning the substitute conservation.
2. Purpose of data processing
Your personal data is processed:
A) without your express consent (art. 24 letter a), b), c) Privacy Code and art. 6 letter b), e) GDPR), for the following Service Purposes:
– conclude contracts for the services of the Owner;
– fulfil the pre-contractual, contractual and fiscal obligations deriving from the relationship with you;
– exercise the rights of the Holder, such as the right of defence in court;
B) Only with your specific and separate consent (articles 23 and 130 Privacy Code and article 7 GDPR), for the following Marketing Purposes:
– to send them via e-mail, whastapp and sms (via the number 3773938575), newsletter (via mailbox info@aiacheraglia.it), communications and/or sending advertising material on products or services offered by the Owner and for the detection of the degree of satisfaction with the quality of services and products offered. This consent is mandatory as provided by EU Reg 2016/679; I also declare that I have read the complete information on the processing of data drawn up in accordance with Articles 13-14 of the same Regulation.
3. Methods of data processing
The processing of your personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in art. 4 no. 2) GDPR, namely: collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data. Your personal data is subject to both paper and electronic and/or automated processing.
The Owner will process personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the above purposes and in any case for no later than 5 years from the termination of the relationship for the Service Purposes and for no later than 2 years from the termination of the service, for the collection of data for the Marketing Purposes. Without prejudice to the provisions of the law for the storage of fiscal data.
Navigation data. The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This information is not collected to be associated with identified parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.
Data provided voluntarily by the user. The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to any addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, and any other personal data included in the message.
If you have given your explicit and free consent, during the registration process, to request assistance and registration to the newsletter or during the use of our services, the above personal data may also be processed for the following additional purposes: sending newsletters and commercial notices, traditional marketing activities such as sending brochures, catalogues and / or technical mail with ordinary paper and telephone calls with operator, and even marketing activities with automated tools or assimilated such as: Fax, E-mail, SMS, MMS, Instant Messaging, Chat and phone calls without operator. In addition, online marketing activities, web marketing and web advertising. Market research and commercial profiling activities and finally, communication to third parties. The provision of personal data collected for the above purposes is optional.
Where necessary, the data may also be disclosed to third parties. The data obtained through authentication with third-party systems are intended to be given to this site through the explicit acceptance of the authentication service (o-auth).
4. Access to data
Your data may be made accessible for the purposes set out in points 2:
– to employees and collaborators of the Data Controller or of MBE companies in Italy and, in their capacity as persons in charge of and/or authorised by the data controller and/or system administrators;
– to third party companies or other subjects (by way of indication, for the provision of shipping and packaging services, postal services, etc.) that carry out activities in outsourcing on behalf of the Data Controller, in their capacity as external data processors.
5 Data communication
Without the need for express consent (art. 6 letter b) and c) GDPR), the Data Controller may communicate your data for the purposes referred to in point 2. These parties will process the data in their capacity as independent data controllers.
Data transfer. The Data Controller does not transfer personal data to third countries or international organisations.
6. Nature of data provision and consequences with failure to respond
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in point 2. In their absence, we cannot guarantee the services provided by the owner.
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in Article. 2. You may therefore decide not to provide any data or subsequently deny the possibility of processing data already provided: in this case, you may not receive newsletters, commercial communications and advertising material relating to the Services offered by the Owner. However, you will continue to be entitled to the Services referred to in point 2.)
7. Data subject’ rights
As an interested party, you have the rights set forth in Article 7 of the Privacy Code and Articles 11 and 12 of EU Regulation 2016/679, namely the rights to:
1. to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning you, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form;
2. to obtain information on: a) the origin of the personal data; b) the purposes and methods of processing; c) the logic applied in the event of processing carried out with the help of electronic means; d) the identity of the owner and co-owner e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the territory of the State, or agents;
(c) to obtain: a) updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data; b) cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected;
oppose, in whole or in part: a) on legitimate grounds, the processing of personal data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection; b) the processing of personal data concerning you for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication, through the use of automated calling systems without the intervention of an operator by e-mail and / or traditional marketing methods by telephone and / or mail. It should be noted that the right of opposition of the person concerned, as set out in point b) above, for direct marketing purposes by means of automated methods extends to the traditional ones and that, in any case, the possibility for the person concerned to exercise the right of opposition even in part remains unaffected. Therefore, the interested party may decide to receive only communications by traditional means or only automated communications or neither of the two types of communication.
Where applicable, he also has the rights under Articles. 13-22 GDPR (Right of rectification, right to be forgotten, right to limitation of processing, right to data portability, right of opposition), as well as the right of complaint to the Guarantor Authority.
8 Methods of exercising rights
You may at any time exercise your rights by sending an email to: info@aiacheraglia.it, or by written communication by registered mail with return receipt: to the Data Controller, in the person of the administrator, with registered office in C.da Salamina n. 16 72015 Fasano (Br).
To exercise your rights, you can use the form provided at the following link: Right of the person concerned
The owner assumes the responsibility to respond to the complaint made by the person concerned within 1 (one) month of the request, even in the event of refusal. Time limit extended up to 3 (three) months in cases of particular complexity.
9 Consent to processing and minors
The interested party declares to have read the above information, with the communication of personal data freely given or otherwise collected during navigation, always carried out in respect of privacy in force, lends his consent to the processing, and therefore, “ticked” in the appropriate box expressly accepts the registration and processing of their data which will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, in the manner described above.
Particular conditions are dictated by EU Regulation 679/ 2016 in the interest of children in Article 8, which clarifies that the processing of personal data of children under 16 – or, if provided for by the law of the Member States, of a lower age but not under 13 – is only lawful if and to the extent that such consent is expressed or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility over the child. Therefore, behaviour adopted by children without the authorisation of those who are required to supervise them under their responsibility, first and foremost parents, are contrary to the provisions and cannot be considered the data controller responsible for having violated the law by circumventing the provisions in force.
10. Extended Cookie Policy

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